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A Brief Introduction to Inverse Kinematics

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By Liam Kirtley


Computer Animation of complex figures (human or otherwise) is a complex and often arduous task. There are two main methods of animating these figures. The first is through interpolating animation, which comes between key-frames. Interpolation can either be completed by hand or through the use of the computers analytical properties. Another method is through the use of high-level algorithms that can be used to animate specific cycles or repetitious movements. These can be slightly altered through the parameters implicitly built into the algorithm. The techniques of Inverse Kinematics, that originally began life in the field of robotics, are helping animators by reducing the amount of specific information needed to change between key poses, whilst keeping complete control over the range and look of movement. In this paper I hope to look at a few of the techniques, past and present, that make Inverse Kinematics such a useful and interesting field.






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