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By James Lewis


What is Innovation? We had several lectures on the subject, which were held so as to help us decide in what way we wanted to ‘innovate’. I found the whole concept of innovation hard to comprehend to begin with. I couldn’t determine what it is to innovate…is it to ‘begin or introduce’ something new to an already established field, or can it mean to introduce something new to yourself on a personal level?
Take the field of music for example; If I wrote a song that was totally original to me would that be ‘innovating’? There is a theory that all possible melodies and tunes have been explored and my song could be seen as just a modified version of a previous song, thus it wouldn’t be seen as ‘new’. But looking at it on a personal level, I would have indeed produced something ‘new’ for myself.
I feel that the main objective for this project is to do just that. To learn something new for yourself…and hopefully this knowledge will be of use for others.
But the next question I pondered was; in what direction did I want to take my quest to innovate? I saw two possible routes, the technical or the artistic. I have always been of the artistic inclination, this coupled with the fact that the technicalities of the subject Computer Animation seem to be always considered above the artistic made my decision final.






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