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A study of the importance of anatomy in character modelling and design

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By Christian Bull


This project is a study of the impor tance of anatomy in character design. The practical side is essentially six different characters created out of the exact same mesh, each with a different physique based on a real body structure, with only slight changes made to create a character, thus the character is largely defined by its anatomy. By morphing between these, the final product (a thirty second animation) displays how the body changes. This mean that the viewer can see the muscles weakening, or the bones growing, or fat forming, or whatever change they are viewing, thus helping them to understand how many different characters can be created out our existing natural design, and hopefully educating them in an enter taining way. It should be stressed that this is not a study into character design, any of the characters in this project could be infinitely more fleshed out, but one of the ideas behind the project was to have as minimal change from reality as possible, to show how real anatomy can be the basis of many characters.


The following report is largely intended for other students who wish to create believable characters in their work, or understand how to go about doing so. It documents the findings made about the appearance of each body structure, and the reasons for why the characters look like they do. Reference pictures are not included, as they were too numerous to be included, but information about where to acquire useful reference for each character can be found in the report. Since most body types are covered in some way by the six characters, it is hoped that this overall documentation of the modelling process would be of use to anyone trying to create a realistic character. Given the artistic nature of the report, it was considered more appropriate to write it slightly informally and thus make it more approachable.








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